September 29, 2020
Greetings RA Families, Attached is an important message from Dr. Cozine. Please click here to view the recorded message and/or download the attached document.

September 28, 2020
Hello RA Families, Make dinner a selfless act by joining us for a fundraiser to support Renaissance Academy Charter School of the Arts. Come in to Chipotle at 6...

September 25, 2020
1. RA MEAL Distribution: RA is in need of volunteers who will deliver RA meals to families that are in need and are unable to pick up the meals themselves. Each Tuesday or Wedne...

September 16, 2020
Hello RA Families:
Now that our virtual learning is in full swing families are reporting that their students are having internet problems.
Prior to you contacting your teac...

September 14, 2020
Biz Kid$ Virtual Free Camp 9/14-9/18 3pm - 4 pm Questions? Contact Na'lm Wilcox at naim.wilcox@cityofrochester.gov

September 14, 2020
Dear Families, The students of RA are entitled to breakfast, lunch and snack under the National School Lunch Program through the duration of virtual learning. RA families may pi...

September 8, 2020
Hello RA Families,
Foodlink is partnering with sites across Monroe County to distribute emergency food supply boxes in response to the COVID-19 public health crisis. These will be...

August 28, 2020
The Ultimate Parent Survival Guide to 2020 - 2021
COVID-19 has turned the 2020-2021 school year upside down: How are you going to work and your kids get educated at the same ti...

August 27, 2020
STRONG SCHOOL CLUB September 14–November 20
2, 3, 4, or 5 day a week options available
New! The Strong museum is excited to offer a program for working parents in need of...

August 26, 2020
Hello RA Families,
As you prepare for your students to head back to school, you may find the following information helpful.
The Greater Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce h...

July 22, 2020
Hello RA Families:
The Summer Meals Partnership is excited to be able to share updates regarding summer meals distribution. Both Foodlink and RTS have been incredibly adaptive ...

June 19, 2020
Hello RA Families, PANDEMIC EBT: EXTRA FOOD ASSISTANCE FOR CHILDREN Pandemic-EBT provides money to families with school-aged children to cover the cost of meals that students w...

June 3, 2020
RCSD Offers Crisis Support Resources
RA Families:
Below is a listing of social/emotional supports that the Rochester City School district has to offer in wake of ...

May 12, 2020
Greetings RA Families,
As a reminder, Renaissance Academy has compiled a list of essential resources to support you and your family during this difficult time. The resource lis...